A Brief Look at Lead Poisoning
Lead can build up in the body over a period of months or years. Even a small amount of lead in the body can cause serious problems–hence the term lead poisoning. Children under the age of 6 are especially vulnerable, because their mental and physical abilities are still developing.
Exposure to lead-based paint or paint dust is the most common avenue to lead poisoning. This exists in older buildings and poses a serious health hazard. That is why the paint we use today does not contain lead. It’s also why there has been a public awareness and prevention campaign for at least two decades to alert people to the dangers of being exposed to lead.
Symptoms of Lead Poisoning
Unfortunately, the signs that a child may have lead poisoning are rather nonspecific, sometimes making diagnosis more difficult. Symptoms can include:
Diagnosing and Treating Lead Poisoning
Lead poisoning is diagnosed through a simple blood test. Results come back in a few days and show how much lead is in the bloodstream. A level of 10 micrograms per deciliter (mcg/dL) or greater is considered unsafe. All children 6 months through 6 years of age who are entering day care, preschool, or kindergarten should be screened for lead poisoning by a health care provider.
If a child’s blood test shows that he or she has some lead in the blood, health care providers will typically provide the family with information on lead poisoning prevention, risk reduction, and nutritional counseling. If the level of lead in the child’s blood is high, a drug therapy called chelation may be necessary. Special drugs (called chelators) are given under a doctor’s directions or administered in the hospital. This medicine attaches to the lead and removes it from the body in the urine. When the level of lead in the blood is quite high, more than one treatment session may be required. Children with high levels of lead in their blood may be placed on special diets and need to be monitored closely to lower their risk of lead-related complications.
Dr Georges Rammouz
PhD Chemistry Biology Health - Toulouse France
Dr Georges Rammouz
February 26,2020